Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Man Who Stole Banksy (2018)

Original title: the man who stole banksy
Production: Italy|93 min
Poster of movie The Man Who Stole Banksy
in 2007 banksy slips into palestine to paint on walls. what follows is a story of clashing cultures, art, identity, theft and black market.


Marco Proserpioregista

Production and Screenplay

Marco Proserpioproduttore
Marco Proserpioscrittore
Luca Speranzonisceneggiatore
Luca Speranzoniscrittore
Christian Omodeoscrittore
Filippo Perfidoproduttore
Filippo Perfidoscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Iggy PopIggy Pop(età:71)
William Parry(età:71)

Technical staff

Marco Proserpiomontatore