Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Man with the Twisted Lip (1986)

Original title: the man with the twisted lip
52 min| tv series
Dramatic, Mystery, Crime
responding to a grieving wife, holmes investigates the apparent murder of her husband in an apartment above an opium den.

Origin of the subject


Patrick Lauregista

Production and Screenplay

Michael Coxproduttore esecutivo
June Wyndham-daviesproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Clive FrancisClive Francis(età:40)
Jeremy BrettJeremy Brett(età:53)
Eleanor David(età:31)
Albert MosesAlbert Moses(età:49)
Ozzie Yue(età:39)
Denis LillDenis Lill(età:44)

Technical staff

John Frasercostumista
Ray Goodedirettore della fotografia
Patrick Gowersmusiche
Tim Wildingscenografo
Glenda Woodtruccatore
Joan Mccanncasting
Jack Dardismontatore