Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Master Gunfighter (1975)

Original title: the master gunfighter
121 min
Poster of movie The Master Gunfighter
an outnumbered swordsman/gunfighter tries to prevent wealthy landowners from annihilating local indians.

Festivals and awards


Tom LaughlinTom Laughlinregista
Frank Laughlinregista

Production and Screenplay

Tom LaughlinTom Laughlinsceneggiatore
Delores TaylorDelores Taylorproduttore esecutivo
Philip l. Parslowproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Ron O'neal(età:38)
Tom LaughlinTom Laughlin(età:44)
Victor Campos(età:40)
Hector Elias(età:34)
Chuck Dawson(età:37)

Technical staff

Lalo SchifrinLalo Schifrinmusiche
William H.reynoldsWilliam H.reynoldsmontatore
Patricia NorrisPatricia Norriscostumista
Albert BrennerAlbert Brennerscenografo
Jean Burt reillyparrucchiere
Lynn StalmasterLynn Stalmastercasting
Thomas Tuttletruccatore
Danford B. Greenemontatore
ManJack A. Martadirettore della fotografia
Ira Batesarredatore

Voices and Dubbing