Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Memory Keeper's Daughter [filmTV] (2008)

Original title: the memory keeper's daughter
90 min| tv movie
Poster of movie The Memory Keeper's Daughter [filmTV]

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Mick JacksonMick Jacksonregista

Production and Screenplay

Michael Mahoneyproduttore
Howard Braunsteinproduttore esecutivo
Michael Jaffeproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Emily WatsonEmily Watson(età:41)
Rob StewartRob Stewart(età:47)
Gretchen MolGretchen Mol(età:36)

Technical staff

David Rubincasting
Richard Hickscasting
Theo Van de sandeTheo Van de sandedirettore della fotografia
Debra Hansoncostumista
Daniel Lichtmusiche
Brian Enmanarredatore
Doug Mcculloughscenografo
Joanne Stampparrucchiere
Ann Bromleyscenografo
Colleen Ryantruccatore