Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the meteor man (1993)

Original title: the meteor man
Production: UK, USA|100 min
Comedy, Action, Science fiction
Poster of movie the meteor man
a high school teacher from a troubled inner city washington d.c. neighborhood becomes a super-powered hero and takes on the gang that has been terrorizing his streets.

Festivals and awards


Robert TownsendRobert Townsendregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert TownsendRobert Townsendproduttore
Robert TownsendRobert Townsendscrittore
Loretha C. jonesproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

radio disc jockey
Frank GorshinFrank Gorshin(età:60)
Wallace ShawnWallace Shawn(età:50)
Jenifer LewisJenifer Lewis(età:36)
Bill CosbyBill Cosby(età:56)
Lela Rochon(età:29)
Don CheadleDon Cheadle(età:29)
Chris TuckerChris Tucker(età:21)
Nancy Wilson(età:39)
Marla GibbsMarla Gibbs(età:62)
Eddie GriffinEddie Griffin(età:25)
Deborah LaceyDeborah Lacey(età:37)
Faizon LoveFaizon Love(età:25)
Roy Fegan(età:32)
Tommy ListerTommy Lister(età:35)
Biz MarkieBiz Markie(età:29)
Stu Gilliam(età:60)
Lawanda PageLawanda Page(età:73)
Joel Weiss(età:40)
Sheree Ali(età:27)
Don Reed(età:34)
Mark Norris(età:33)

Technical staff

Frank Fontaineparrucchiere
Cliff EidelmanCliff Eidelmanmusiche
Toby Corbettscenografo
Kathryn Petersarredatore
Andrew Londonmontatore
Laini Thompsontruccatore
Greg Papaliascenografo
Pam Wisemontatore
John A. Alonzodirettore della fotografia
Tony GardnerTony Gardnertruccatore
Adam Bernardimontatore
Ruth E. CarterRuth E. Cartercostumista
Edna Sheentruccatore
Richard Candibmontatore
Ronald w. Smithparrucchiere
Sheila Everstruccatore

Voices and Dubbing