Database of cinema, music, history and literature

jamaica cop (1989)

Original title: the mighty quinn
Production: USA|94 min|
Thriller, Dramatic, Action


Carl Schenkelregista

Production and Screenplay

Hampton Fanchersceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

xavier quinn
Xavier Quinn, poliziotto
thomas elgin
James FoxJames Fox(età:50)
hadley elgin
Mimi RogersMimi Rogers(età:33)
fred miller
lola quinn
jump jones
Art Evans(età:47)
Tyra FerrellTyra Ferrell(età:27)
denzel washington
Esther RolleEsther Rolle(età:69)
Keye LukeKeye Luke(età:85)

Technical staff

Anne Dudleymusiche
John Jympsonmontatore
Jacques Steyndirettore della fotografia
Roger Murray-leachscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1989)

Roberto PediciniRoberto Pedicini Voice of denzel washington

Music tracks of the soundtrack