Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Missing Picture (2013)

Original title: l'image manquante
Production: Cambogia, France|92 min
Dramatic, Documentary
Poster of movie The Missing Picture
rithy panh uses clay figures, archival footage, and his narration to recreate the atrocities cambodia's khmer rouge committed between 1975 and 1979.

Festivals and awards


Rithy Panhregista

Production and Screenplay

Catherine Dussartproduttore
Rithy Panhscrittore
Martine Saadaproduttore
Bernard Commentproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Jean-baptiste Phou
(narratore (voce))
Randal Douc
(narratore (voce))

Technical staff

Marc Mardermusiche
Prum Mesadirettore della fotografia
Rithy Panhmontatore
Rithy Panhscenografo

Voices and Dubbing