Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Molly Maguires (1970)

Original title: the molly maguires
Production: USA|124 min
Dramatic, Political, Storico
Poster of movie The Molly Maguires

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject

Historical episodes of setting


Martin RittMartin Rittregista

Production and Screenplay

Martin RittMartin Rittproduttore
Martin RittMartin Rittsceneggiatore
Walter BernsteinWalter Bernsteinproduttore
Walter BernsteinWalter Bernsteinsceneggiatore
Walter BernsteinWalter Bernsteinscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

black jack kehoe
Sean ConnerySean Connery(età:40)
detective james mcparlan/mckenna
miss mary raines
Frank FinlayFrank Finlay(età:44)
tom dougherty
Anthony ZerbeAnthony Zerbe(età:34)
mrs. kehoe
Bethel LeslieBethel Leslie(età:41)
Art LundArt Lund(età:55)
padre O'Connor
frank mcandrew
dan raines
signora frazier
John AldersonJohn Alderson(età:54)
Nick DimitriNick Dimitri(età:38)
John OrchardJohn Orchard(età:42)
Chuck HicksChuck Hicks(età:43)
George PetrieGeorge Petrie(età:58)
Karen Machon(età:26)

Technical staff

Jim Gillespietruccatore
Henry ManciniHenry Mancinimusiche
ManFrank Brachtmontatore
James Wong howeJames Wong howedirettore della fotografia
Dorothy JeakinsDorothy Jeakinscostumista
Darrell SilveraDarrell Silverascenografo
Darrell SilveraDarrell Silveraarredatore
Tambi LarsenTambi Larsenscenografo
Wally WestmoreWally Westmoretruccatore
Gildo Scaranocostumista
Ruth Stellacostumista
Scotty Rackinparrucchiere
Hoyt Bowerscasting
Bertha Frenchparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1970)