the monte carlo story (1956)
Original title: montecarlo
Production: Italy|92 min|
Comedy, Dramatic, Romantic
a count and a marquise, both without money, who ignore each other their disastrous economic situation, meet in the casino of montecarlo and fall in love. once their condition of disinherited is discovered, both consider that interest is more convenient than love and try to settle more conveniently. in the end, however, love triumphs and the two decide to live together.
Mario Russo: assistente alla regia
Giulio Macchi: regista
Sam Taylor: regista
Francesco Montemurro: assistente alla regia
Luisa Alessandri: assistente alla regia
Samuel A. Taylor: regista
Production and Screenplay

Marcello Girosi: produttore
Sam Taylor: sceneggiatore
Samuel A. Taylor: sceneggiatore
Interpreters and Characters
Betty Carter(età:27)
Technical staff

Elio Costanzi: costumista
Ferdinando Ruffo: scenografo
Michel Elmer: musiche

James F. hanley: musiche
Michael Emer: musiche
Kurt Doubrowsky: fonico