Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the mosquito coast (1986)

Original title: the mosquito coast
Production: USA|117 min
Dramatic, Action, Thriller
Poster of movie the mosquito coast
an inventor spurns his city life to move his family into the jungles of central america to make a utopia.

Festivals and awards


Peter WeirPeter Weirregista

Production and Screenplay

Paul SchraderPaul Schradersceneggiatore
Saul Zaentzproduttore esecutivo
Jerome HellmanJerome Hellmanproduttore
Neville C. Thompsonproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Harrison FordHarrison Ford(età:44)
(Allie Fox)
Helen MirrenHelen Mirren(età:41)
(signora fox)
River PhoenixRiver Phoenix(età:16)
(charlie fox)
André Gregory(età:52)
(reverendo spellgood)
Martha PlimptonMartha Plimpton(età:16)
(emily spellgood)
Dick O'neillDick O'neill(età:58)
Jadrien SteeleJadrien Steele(età:12)
(jerry fox)
Michael J RogersMichael J Rogers(età:22)
(francis lungley)
Hilary Gordon
(april fox)
Michael J RogersMichael J Rogers(età:22)
(michael rogers)
Rebecca Gordon
(clover fox)
Alice Sneed
(signora polski)
Aurora Clavel(età:50)
Tiger HaynesTiger Haynes(età:79)

Technical staff

Maurice JarreMaurice Jarremusiche
Thom NobleThom Noblemontatore
John Sealedirettore della fotografia
John Stoddartscenografo
Gary Jonescostumista
John H. andersonarredatore
Rosalina Da silvatruccatore
John Wingrovescenografo
Judy Lovellparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1986)