Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Names of Love (2010)

Original title: le nom des gens
Production: France|100 min
Comedy, Dramatic, Romantic
Poster of movie The Names of Love
a young, extroverted left-wing activist who sleeps with her political opponents to convert them to her cause is successful until she meets her match.

Festivals and awards


Michel Leclercregista

Production and Screenplay

Baya Kasmisceneggiatore
Baya Kasmiscrittore
Michel Leclercsceneggiatore
Michel Leclercscrittore
Fabrice Goldsteinproduttore
Antoine Reinproduttore
Caroline Adrianproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Carlo AlbanCarlo Alban(età:31)
Karim LeklouKarim Leklou(età:28)
Nabil Massad(età:61)
Lionel Jospin(età:73)

Technical staff

Nathalie Hubertmontatore
Vincent Mathiasdirettore della fotografia
Milou Sannerparrucchiere
Nathalie Tabareautruccatore
Mélanie Gautiercostumista