Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the ninth configuration (1980)

Original title: the ninth configuration
118 min
Poster of movie the ninth configuration
a former marine arrives at a mental asylum housed in a remote castle to run it. there he attempts to rehabilitate the patients by letting them act out their craziest fantasies and desires.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

William Peter BlattyWilliam Peter Blattysceneggiatore
Tom Shawproduttore
William Paulproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

col. vincent kane
capt. billy cutshaw
ten. frankie reno
col. richard fell
Joe SpinellJoe Spinell(età:44)
Moses GunnMoses Gunn(età:51)
Neville BrandNeville Brand(età:60)
Richard LynchRichard Lynch(età:40)
Robert LoggiaRobert Loggia(età:50)
Tom AtkinsTom Atkins(età:45)
Stacy KeachStacy Keach(età:39)
Alejandro Rey(età:50)
Jason Miller(età:41)
Ed FlandersEd Flanders(età:46)
Bruce Boa(età:50)
Steve Sandor(età:43)
Bobby Bass(età:44)
David Healy(età:48)
Scott WilsonScott Wilson(età:38)
Tim RossovichTim Rossovich(età:34)
Gordon K. kee(età:42)
Tom Shaw(età:60)

Technical staff

Battle Davismontatore
Roberto Silvimontatore
Gerry Fisherdirettore della fotografia
Thomas M.bronsoncostumista
Bill Malleyscenografo
Barry De vorzonmusiche
Peter Lee-thompsonmontatore
Tony De zarragamontatore