Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The One-Handed Trick (2008)

Original title: el truco del manco
Production: Spain
Poster of movie The One-Handed Trick
three characters are challenged by live in a poor neighborhood, and they demonstrate to one degree or another, their resilience to follow their dreams.

Festivals and awards


Santiago Zannouregista

Production and Screenplay

Iván MoralesIván Moralessceneggiatore
Santiago Zannousceneggiatore
Luis De valproduttore esecutivo
Aitana De valproduttore esecutivo

Characters and Interpreters

Elio Toffana(età:23)
Juan Navarro(età:39)

Technical staff

Consol Turacasting
Llorenc MiquelLlorenc Miquelscenografo
Albert Pascualdirettore della fotografia
Jaume Martímontatore
Patricia Reyestruccatore
Patricia Reyesparrucchiere
Ana Hercecostumista
Maite Mendívilparrucchiere
Alba Guillénparrucchiere