Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the onion field (1979)

Original title: the onion field
Production: USA|122 min
Dramatic, Crime
Poster of movie the onion field
an la police officer is murdered in the onion fields outside of bakersfield. however, legal loopholes could keep his kidnappers from receiving justice, and his partner is haunted by overwhelming survivor's guilt.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject

dal libro: romanzo ()


Harold BeckerHarold Beckerregista

Production and Screenplay

Joseph WambaughJoseph Wambaughsceneggiatore
Walter CoblenzWalter Coblenzproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

det. karl francis hettinger
John SavageJohn Savage(età:30)
gregory ulas powell
James WoodsJames Woods(età:32)
jimmy lee 'youngblood' smith
det. ian james campbell
Ted DansonTed Danson(età:32)
det. sgt. pierce r. brooks
Ronny CoxRonny Cox(età:41)
chrissie campbell
Raleigh Bond(età:44)
Sandy McPeakSandy McPeak(età:43)
Don StarrDon Starr(età:62)
David Huffman(età:34)
Peter Miller(età:49)
K CallanK Callan(età:43)
Pat CorleyPat Corley(età:49)
Tony Dimilo(età:54)
Richard HerdRichard Herd(età:47)
Dianne Hull(età:30)
Bill MoreyBill Morey(età:60)
Sandy WardSandy Ward(età:53)
Burke ByrnesBurke Byrnes(età:42)
Lee WeaverLee Weaver(età:49)
Tony BeckerTony Becker(età:16)
Jack Rader(età:58)
Raymond GuthRaymond Guth(età:55)
Rene LevantRene Levant(età:32)
Ned Wilson(età:46)
Rusty Meyers(età:22)
Richard Seff(età:52)
Le TariLe Tari(età:33)

Technical staff

Thomas Stanfordmontatore
Lynn StalmasterLynn Stalmastercasting
Brian Eatwellscenografo
Charles Rosher jr.direttore della fotografia
Eumir DeodatoEumir Deodatomusiche
John W. Wheelermontatore
Richard C. Goddardscenografo
Richard C. Goddardarredatore
Bob Millstruccatore
Edie Pandaparrucchiere

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1979)