Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Only Game in Town (1970)

Original title: the only game in town
Production: USA|113 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic
Poster of movie The Only Game in Town
fran walks into a piano bar for pizza. she comes back home with joe, the piano player. joe plans on winning $5,000 and leaving las vegas. fran waits for something else. meanwhile, he moves in with her.

Origin of the subject

dal libro: romanzo ()


George StevensGeorge Stevensregista

Production and Screenplay

Frank D.gilroyFrank D.gilroysceneggiatore
Fred Kohlmarproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

ballerina di fila
Warren BeattyWarren Beatty(età:33)
Hank Henry(età:64)
Olga Valery(età:67)

Technical staff

Maurice JarreMaurice Jarremusiche
William Sandsmontatore
Jerry Wunderlicharredatore
Auguste Capelierscenografo
ManWalter M. Scottarredatore
Frank La ruetruccatore
John W. Holmesmontatore
Henri DecaëHenri Decaëdirettore della fotografia
John Jirastruccatore
John Jirasparrucchiere
Pat Shademontatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1970)