Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the opportunists (2000)

Original title: the opportunists
Production: UK, USA|89 min|
Comedy, Crime, Noir
a former burglar has decided to put his head right and lead an honest life. when a young cousin proposes to return to take on the role of a gangster he initially refuses, but then, overburdened by debts and too proud to accept money from his woman, he ends up chasing the classic idea of ??the last great blow.


Myles Connellregista

Production and Screenplay

Jonathan DemmeJonathan Demmeproduttore esecutivo
John S.lyonsproduttore
Myles Connellsceneggiatore
Tim Perrellproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Victor Kelly
Cyndi LauperCyndi Lauper(età:47)
Donal LogueDonal Logue(età:34)
Tom NoonanTom Noonan(età:49)
Vera FarmigaVera Farmiga(età:27)
Chuck CooperChuck Cooper(età:46)
José ZunigaJosé Zuniga(età:38)

Technical staff

Teodoro Maniacidirettore della fotografia
Andy Keirmontatore
Kurt Hoffmanmusiche