Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Ostrich Has Two Eggs (1957)

Original title: les oeufs de l'autruche
Production: France, USA|82 min| black and white
Poster of movie The Ostrich Has Two Eggs
a father discovers one day that one of his sons is a homosexual and the other, is the "gigolo" of a japanese countess. he is first horrified, but finally accepts the situation because it brings him economical advantages.

Origin of the subject


Production and Screenplay

André RoussinAndré Roussinsceneggiatore
André RoussinAndré Roussindialoghi
Frederic Grendelsceneggiatore
Denys De La PatellièreDenys De La Patellièresceneggiatore
Shervan Siderysceneggiatore
Maurice Teyssierproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Mady Berry(età:70)
Simone RenantSimone Renant(età:46)
Paul MerceyPaul Mercey(età:34)
Yoko TaniYoko Tani(età:29)
Guy Bertil(età:23)

Technical staff

Monique Isnardonmontatore
Robert Isnardonmontatore
Pierre Petitdirettore della fotografia
Paul-louis Boutiéscenografo
Marcel Bordenavetruccatore
Henri Sauguetmusiche
Raymond Gauguiertecnico del suono