Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Other Side of the Bed (2002)

Original title: el otro lado de la cama
Production: Spain|114 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Musical
Poster of movie The Other Side of the Bed
javier and sonia are a longtime couple with a seemingly perfect life. javier's best friend, pedro, and his girlfriend paula, are a recent couple going through a painful separation. paula fell in love with another man, causing pedro to have a broken heart and a quixotic search for the identity of his rival. what pedro does not know is that the man who pulled the carpet from under his feet is none other than his good companion javier, whose life seems like an endless parade of sex, lies and more lies. thus begins a series of comic machinations, which also involve boundary characters.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

David Serranosceneggiatore
Ghislain Barroisproduttore
Tomás Cimadevillaproduttore
Mohamed Khashoggiproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Paz VegaPaz Vega(età:26)
Maria EsteveMaria Esteve(età:28)
Ramon BareaRamon Barea(età:53)
Nathalie PozaNathalie Poza(età:30)
Luis BermejoLuis Bermejo(età:33)

Technical staff

Roque BanosRoque Banosmusiche
Juan Molinadirettore della fotografia
Luis Mendomusiche
Bernardo Fustermusiche
Julio Torrecillascenografo
Pelayo Gutiérreztecnico del suono
Alfonso Pinomixage
Inma Garcíacostumista
José Vinadertecnico del suono