Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Perfect Clown (1925)

Original title: the perfect clown
55 min| black and white| mute
Poster of movie The Perfect Clown


Production and Screenplay

Thomas J. Crizerscrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Oliver HardyOliver Hardy(età:33)
Paul FixPaul Fix(età:24)
Larry SemonLarry Semon(età:36)
Tiny SandfordTiny Sandford(età:31)
Stuart HolmesStuart Holmes(età:41)
Otis HarlanOtis Harlan(età:60)
Kate PriceKate Price(età:53)
Dorothy Dwan(età:19)
Sam Allen(età:64)
Spencer BellSpencer Bell(età:38)
Joan Meredith(età:18)

Technical staff

Nicholas T. Barrowsdirettore della fotografia