Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Perfect Crime (2004)

Original title: crimen ferpecto
105 min
Poster of movie The Perfect Crime
rafael is a fascinating and ambitious type. he likes beautiful women, elegant clothes and exclusive environments. he considers himself a privileged person. he believes that someday he will achieve success. rafael has a talent that is not at all hidden. he was born to sell. he has it in his blood. for this he works in a shopping center. he transformed the women's department into his personal fiefdom. the perfumery girls are crazy about him. rafael has a goal in life: he wants to become the new manager of the entire plan. his main rival in the race to win the place is don antonio, expert in charge of the men's department. in a case of fate, don antonio accidentally dies after an animated discussion with rafael. the only witness to the crime is lourdes, an ugly, insignificant and complex order. aware of the unusual character of the situation, lourdes does not hesitate to blackmail rafael to force him to be first his lover, then his slave and finally her husband. the lourdes family is a nightmare: the mother is an authoritarian and psychopathic woman, the father is narcoleptic and the 8-year-old sister tears off the heads of her dolls and threatens 'to blow everyone up by leaving the gas open'. rafael despairs seeing how the sophisticated environment he had built around himself gradually degenerates into a hell of vulgarity. seized by madness, he devises a plan to get rid of lourdes once and for all. this time rafael cannot make a mistake either.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Roberto Digirolamoproduttore
Gustavo Ferradaproduttore
Álex De la iglesiaÁlex De la iglesiaproduttore
Álex De la iglesiaÁlex De la iglesiasceneggiatore
Vérane Frédianiproduttore
Franck Ribièreproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

commissario campoy
don antonio fraguas
rafael gonzález
Juan Viadas(età:52)
Luis Varela(età:61)
Kira MiròKira Mirò(età:24)
Carmen RuizCarmen Ruiz(età:30)
Hilario Pino(età:42)
Isabel Osca(età:79)

Technical staff

Félix Bergéseffetti speciali
Roque BanosRoque Banosmusiche
Paco Delgadocostumista
Alejandro Lazaromontatore
José Quetglástruccatore
José L. morenodirettore della fotografia
Charly Schmuklertecnico del suono
Pedro Rodrígueztruccatore
Pedro Rodríguezeffetti speciali
Juan Ramón Molinaeffetti speciali
Antonio Molinaeffetti speciali
Sergio Burmanntecnico del suono
Nieves Sánchezparrucchiere
Amaya Díezcasting
Mamen Moyacasting
Raquel Rodrígueztruccatore
Raquel Rodríguezparrucchiere
Juanma Pagazaurtunduadirettore di produzione

Voices and Dubbing