Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the possession (2012)

Original title: the possession
Production: USA|92 min
Thriller, Horror
Poster of movie the possession


Ole Bornedalregista

Production and Screenplay

Juliet Snowdensceneggiatore
Stiles Whitesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

clyde brenek
stephanie brenek
Kyra SedgwickKyra Sedgwick(età:47)
emily 'em' brenek
Natasha CalisNatasha Calis(età:13)
hannah brenek
Grant ShowGrant Show(età:50)
Ned BellamyNed Bellamy(età:55)
Rob LabelleRob Labelle(età:50)
Nana GbewonyoNana Gbewonyo(età:32)
Quinn LordQuinn Lord(età:13)

Technical staff

Dan Laustsendirettore della fotografia
Eric L. Beasonmontatore
Carla Hetlandcostumista
Rachel O'tooleRachel O'toolescenografo
Anton Sankomusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2012)