Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Price She Paid (1917)

Original title: the price she paid
Production: USA|70 min| black and white| mute
Poster of movie The Price She Paid

Origin of the subject


Charles GiblynCharles Giblynregista
Henri Ménessieraiuto regista

Production and Screenplay

Clara Kimball youngClara Kimball youngproduttore
Charles GiblynCharles Giblynsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Clara Kimball youngClara Kimball young(età:27)
(mildred gower)
Louise Beaudet(età:58)
(mrs. gower)
Cecil Fletcher
(frank gower)
Charles Bowser
Snitz EdwardsSnitz Edwards(età:49)
(generale siddall)
Alan HaleAlan Hale(età:25)
(stanley baird)
Alan HaleAlan Hale(età:25)
(alan hale)
David PowellDavid Powell(età:34)
(donald keith)
Cesare GravinaCesare Gravina(età:59)

Technical staff

Lady Duff gordoncostumista
Hal Youngdirettore della fotografia