Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the prince of pennsylvania (1988)

Original title: the prince of pennsylvania
Production: USA|87 min
Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie the prince of pennsylvania
a teenager in love, who needs money to arrange his future life with his mistress, kidnaps his own father for ransom, but nobody cares.


Ron Nyswanerregista

Production and Screenplay

Robert ShayeRobert Shayeproduttore
Robert ShayeRobert Shayeproduttore esecutivo
Ron Nyswanersceneggiatore
Ron Nyswanerscrittore
Kerry Orentproduttore
Sara Risherproduttore esecutivo

Interpreters and Characters

Don Brockett(età:58)
Fred WardFred Ward(età:46)
Keanu ReevesKeanu Reeves(età:24)
Amy MadiganAmy Madigan(età:38)
Kari Keegan(età:19)
Dan MonahanDan Monahan(età:33)
David Early(età:50)
Todd Bryant(età:25)
Robert HallRobert Hall(età:15)
Bob Tracey(età:65)

Technical staff

Thomas NewmanThomas Newmanmusiche
Carol Woodcostumista
Toby Corbettscenografo
Frank Prinzidirettore della fotografia
Steve Arnoldscenografo
William S. scharfmontatore
Jeannee Josefczyktruccatore
Jeffrey a. Rubisparrucchiere
Marleen Martaarredatore