Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Propaganda Game (2015)

Original title: the propaganda game
Production: France, Spain|98 min
Documentary, War
Poster of movie The Propaganda Game
granted controlled access by national officials, filmmaker ãlvaro longoria tours north korea to contrast his findings to the typical western depiction of the nation.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Álvaro Longoriaproduttore
Álvaro Longoriascrittore
Joel Thiboutproduttore
Alexandra Lebretproduttore
David atlan Jacksonproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Michael Kirby(età:90)
Jong-un Kim(età:31)

Technical staff

Alex Marquezmontatore
Diego Dussueldirettore della fotografia
Rita Noriegadirettore della fotografia
Victoria Lammersmontatore