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the punisher (2004)

Original title: the punisher
Production: Germany, USA|124 min
Dramatic, Action, Thriller
Poster of movie the punisher
during the last post before the dismissal, a special fbi agent, frank castle, inadvertently causes the death of the son of a powerful tampa businessman, howard saint. determined to take revenge, the latter exterminates the castle family. from that moment frank in turn prepared his own revenge by finding in joan, dave and signor bumpo three incomparable accomplices. reached his purpose, frank realizes that his mission has just begun: in the role of the punisher he will ensure justice to the common people.


Production and Screenplay

Jonathan Hensleighsceneggiatore
Gale Anne HurdGale Anne Hurdproduttore
Avi Aradproduttore
Michael FranceMichael Francesceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

frank castle/punisher
Thomas JaneThomas Jane(età:35)
Howard Saint
John TravoltaJohn Travolta(età:50)
Quentin Glass
Will PattonWill Patton(età:50)
livia saint
Laura HarringLaura Harring(età:40)
john saint; robert "bobby" saint
micky duka
Eddie JemisonEddie Jemison(età:41)
mr. bumpo
John PinetteJohn Pinette(età:40)
spacker dave
Ben FosterBen Foster(età:24)
frank castle sr.
Roy ScheiderRoy Scheider(età:72)
betty castle
maria castle
will castle
jimmy weeks
Kevin NashKevin Nash(età:45)
harry heck
Mark CollieMark Collie(età:48)
mike toro
Eduardo YanezEduardo Yanez(età:46)
joe toro
capo di polizia morris
yuri astrov
Marc MacaulayMarc Macaulay(età:47)
Jeff ChaseJeff Chase(età:36)

Technical staff

Kevin Harriseffetti speciali
Carlo SiliottoCarlo Siliottomusiche
Steven Kempermontatore
Jeff Gullomontatore
Michael Z.hamanscenografo
Lisa Tomczeszyncostumista
Stevie Bentosmusiche
Mike Lucemusiche
Ben MoodyBen Moodymusiche
Michael Z. HananMichael Z. Hananscenografo
Conrad W. Halldirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2004)

Music tracks of the soundtrack