Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the rainmaker (1956)

Original title: the rainmaker
121 min|

Festivals and awards


Anthony MannAnthony Mannregista
Joseph Anthonyregista

Production and Screenplay

N.richard Nashsceneggiatore
N. Richard nashsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Katharine Hepburn
wendell corey
earl holliman
cameron prud'homme
wallace ford
yvonne fedderson
frank mills
Dan White
Earl HollimanEarl Holliman(età:28)
Wendell CoreyWendell Corey(età:42)
Lloyd BridgesLloyd Bridges(età:43)
Wallace FordWallace Ford(età:58)
Frank MillsFrank Mills(età:65)
Yvonne LimeYvonne Lime(età:21)

Technical staff

Alex NorthAlex Northmusiche
Edith HeadEdith Headcostumista
Hal PereiraHal Pereirascenografo
Charles B.langCharles B.langdirettore della fotografia
Warren Lowmontatore
Wally WestmoreWally Westmoretruccatore
Walter H. tylerWalter H. tylerscenografo

Voices and Dubbing