Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Reward of Patience (1916)

Original title: the reward of patience
Production: USA|50 min| black and white| mute
Poster of movie The Reward of Patience


Production and Screenplay

Shannon Fifescrittore

Interpreters and Characters

Louise HuffLouise Huff(età:21)
Lottie PickfordLottie Pickford(età:21)
(edith penfield)
Gertrude Norman(età:68)
(mamma osborne)
Kate Lester(età:59)
(mrs. penfield)
Adolphe MenjouAdolphe Menjou(età:26)
(paul dunstan)
John BowersJohn Bowers(età:31)
(robert penfield)

Technical staff

William Marshall (attore)direttore della fotografia
William Marshalldirettore della fotografia