Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Rooftops (2013)

Original title: les terrasses
Production: Algeria, France|92 min
Poster of movie The Rooftops
on the structure of the five daily prayers of the muslim rite, the film tells us a day like any other in algiers lived from various terraces of the buildings.

Festivals and awards


Production and Screenplay

Jacques Bidouproduttore
Merzak AllouacheMerzak Allouacheproduttore
Merzak AllouacheMerzak Allouachesceneggiatore
Merzak AllouacheMerzak Allouachedialoghi
Marianne Dumoulinproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Technical staff

Sylvie Gadmermontatore
Frédéric Derriendirettore della fotografia