Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the rose garden (1989)

Original title: the rose garden
112 min
Poster of movie the rose garden
in germany, an old man attacks another old man and is arrested. the attacker refuses to speak. a female lawyer is appointed to him. she discovers that the attacker has numbers tattooed on his arm and the attacked man was a german officer.

Festivals and awards


Fons Rademakersregista

Production and Screenplay

Menahem GolanMenahem Golanproduttore
Yoram Globusproduttore
Christopher Pearceproduttore
Artur Braunerproduttore
Artur Braunersceneggiatore
Paul Henggesceneggiatore
Paul Henggescrittore

Characters and Interpreters

Liv UllmannLiv Ullmann(età:50)
Jan NiklasJan Niklas(età:42)
Peter FondaPeter Fonda(età:50)
Gila AlmagorGila Almagor(età:50)
Helmut Krauss(età:48)
Lutz Weidlich(età:37)
Marco Kröger(età:26)
Rolf Mautz(età:43)

Technical staff

Gernot RollGernot Rolldirettore della fotografia
Egisto MacchiEgisto Macchimusiche
Monika Jacobscostumista
Horst D. scheelcasting
Jan Schlubachscenografo
Kees Linthorstmontatore
Eberhard Neufinkparrucchiere
Karin Bauer-hurstparrucchiere