Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Speckled Band (1984)

Original title: the speckled band
Production: UK|52 min| tv series
Dramatic, Mystery, Crime
a young woman asks for holmes' help when her ill-tempered stepfather moves her into the same room where her sister died under mysterious circumstances.

Origin of the subject


John Bruceregista

Production and Screenplay

Stuart Doughtyproduttore
Michael Coxproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Jeremy BrettJeremy Brett(età:51)
Jeremy KempJeremy Kemp(età:49)
David Burke(età:50)
John Gill(età:72)
Tim Condren(età:58)

Technical staff

Chris Gillmontatore
Patrick Gowersmusiche
Michael Grimesscenografo
Ken Morgandirettore della fotografia
Glenda Woodtruccatore
Susie Bruffincasting
Anne Salisburycostumista