Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Speckled Band (1984)

Original title: the speckled band
52 min| tv series
Dramatic, Mystery, Crime
a young woman asks for holmes' help when her ill-tempered stepfather moves her into the same room where her sister died under mysterious circumstances.


John Bruceregista

Production and Screenplay

Stuart Doughtyproduttore
Michael Coxproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Jeremy BrettJeremy Brett(età:51)
Jeremy KempJeremy Kemp(età:49)
David Burke(età:50)
John Gill(età:72)
Tim Condren(età:58)

Technical staff

Chris Gillmontatore
Patrick Gowersmusiche
Michael Grimesscenografo
Ken Morgandirettore della fotografia
Glenda Woodtruccatore
Susie Bruffincasting
Anne Salisburycostumista