Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the spider's web (1960)

Original title: the spider's web
Production: UK, USA|90 min
Poster of movie the spider's web

Origin of the subject


Godfrey Graysonregista

Production and Screenplay

Albert G. millersceneggiatore
Eldon Howardsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

clarissa hailsham-brown
Glynis JohnsGlynis Johns(età:37)
henry hailsham-brown
John JustinJohn Justin(età:43)
sir rowland delahaye
Jack Hulbert(età:68)
miss peake
glynis johns
john justin
cicely courtneidge
Basil DignamBasil Dignam(età:55)

Technical staff

Tony Crombiemusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1960)

Carlo RomanoCarlo Romano Voice of ispettore
Maria Pia Di MeoMaria Pia Di Meo Voice of glynis johns
Cesare BarbettiCesare Barbetti Voice of john justin
Lydia SimoneschiLydia Simoneschi Voice of cicely courtneidge