Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the sporting chance (1924)

Original title: the sporting chance
Production: USA|70 min| |


Oscar ApfelOscar Apfelregista

Production and Screenplay

John P. bernardsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Lou TellegenLou Tellegen(età:43)
(darrell thornton)
Dorothy PhillipsDorothy Phillips(età:35)
(patricia winthrop)
George FawcettGeorge Fawcett(età:64)
(caleb winthrop)
Theodore Von eltzTheodore Von eltz(età:31)
(robert selby)
Sheldon LewisSheldon Lewis(età:55)
(Michael Collins)
Oscar ApfelOscar Apfel(età:46)
(oscar apfel)
John P. bernard
(john p. bernard)
Andy ClarkAndy Clark(età:21)