Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the sun at midnight (2016)

Original title: the sun at midnight
Production: Canada|93 min
Dramatic, Adventure
Poster of movie the sun at midnight
filmed at the arctic circle, "the sun at midnight" tells the story of an unexpected friendship between a hunter obsessed with finding a missing caribou herd and a teenage rebel who gets lost while on the run.


Kirsten Carthewregista

Production and Screenplay

Kirsten Carthewproduttore
Kirsten Carthewsceneggiatore
Anne-Marie GélinasAnne-Marie Gélinasproduttore esecutivo
Ingo Louproduttore

Interpreters and Characters

Devery JacobsDevery Jacobs(età:23)

Technical staff

Jamie Alainmontatore
Rich Waltersmusiche

Music tracks of the soundtrack