Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the temple of venus (1923)

Original title: the temple of venus
Production: USA|70 min| |


Henry Ottoregista

Production and Screenplay

Henry Ottosceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Will WallingWill Walling(età:51)
(dennis dean)
Mickey Mcban
Alice Day(età:18)
David ButlerDavid Butler(età:29)
(nat harper)
William BoydWilliam Boyd(età:28)
(william boyd)
William BoydWilliam Boyd(età:28)
(stanley dale)
Phyllis HaverPhyllis Haver(età:24)
(constance lane)
Léon Bary
(phil greyson)
Marilyn Boyd
Jean ArthurJean Arthur(età:18)
Mary Philbin(età:21)

Technical staff

Cancio Millánmusiche