Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the texas rangers (1936)

Original title: the texas rangers
Production: USA|95 min| black and white|
Western, Action, Adventure

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject

dal libro: romanzo ()


King VidorKing Vidorregista

Production and Screenplay

King VidorKing Vidorproduttore
King VidorKing Vidorsceneggiatore
Elizabeth Hillsceneggiatore
Louis Stevenssceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

Fred McmurrayFred Mcmurray(età:28)
fred macmurray
Fred McmurrayFred Mcmurray(età:28)
Jack OakieJack Oakie(età:33)
jean parker
Jean ParkerJean Parker(età:21)
Lloyd NolanLloyd Nolan(età:34)
edward ellis
Edward EllisEdward Ellis(età:66)
benny bartlett
frank shannon
Frank ShannonFrank Shannon(età:62)
frank cordell
Frank Cordell(età:38)
richard carle
Richard CarleRichard Carle(età:65)
jed prouty
fred kohler
Fred KohlerFred Kohler(età:49)
gabby hayes
elena martínez

Technical staff

Edith HeadEdith Headcostumista
Franklin Hansentecnico del suono
Edward CronjagerEdward Cronjagerdirettore della fotografia
Doane Harrisonmontatore
Sam CoslowSam Coslowmusiche

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1936)