Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the thief (1952)

Original title: the thief
Production: USA|85 min| black and white|
Dramatic, Comedy, Spying

Festivals and awards


Russell Rouseregista

Production and Screenplay

Clarence Greenesceneggiatore
Russell Rousesceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Ray MillandRay Milland(età:47)
(scienziato spia)
Martin Gabel(età:40)
(martin gabel)
Harry Bronson
(harry bronson)
Rita Vale
(rita vale)
Rex O'malleyRex O'malley(età:51)
Rita GamRita Gam(età:25)
(rita gam)
John Mckutcheon
(john mckutcheon)
Joe Conlin
(joe conlin)

Technical staff

Sam Leavittdirettore della fotografia
Maria P. donovancostumista
Joseph St. amandscenografo