Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the thing from another world (1951)

Original title: the thing from another world
Production: USA|87 min| black and white
Horror, Science fiction, Fantasy
Poster of movie the thing from another world
scientists and american air force officials fend off a bloodthirsty alien organism while at a remote arctic outpost.
The same story is the basis of the movies:


Christian NybyChristian Nybyregista
Howard HawksHoward Hawksregista

Production and Screenplay

Howard HawksHoward Hawksproduttore
Howard HawksHoward Hawkssceneggiatore
Charles LedererCharles Lederersceneggiatore
Ben HechtBen Hechtsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Kenneth TobeyKenneth Tobey(età:34)
(capitano patrick hendry)
Robert CornthwaiteRobert Cornthwaite(età:34)
(dottor arthur carrington)
Douglas SpencerDouglas Spencer(età:41)
(ned scott)
Dewey MartinDewey Martin(età:28)
(sergente bob)
Robert Nichols(età:27)
(ken macpherson)
William SelfWilliam Self(età:30)
Eduard FranzEduard Franz(età:49)
(dottor stern)
Sally Creighton
(mrs. chapman)
James ArnessJames Arness(età:28)
(la cosa)
John DierkesJohn Dierkes(età:46)
(dottor Chapman)
George FennemanGeorge Fenneman(età:32)
(dottor fenneman)
Paul FreesPaul Frees(età:31)
(dottor vorhees)
Everett Glass(età:60)
(dottor wilson)
Nicholas Byron
(tex richards)
Margaret Sheridan(età:25)
(nina nicholson)
Edmund Breon(età:69)
ManLee Tung foo(età:76)
David Mcmahon(età:41)
Bill Neff(età:38)
Riley Sunrise(età:37)
Walter Ng(età:36)

Technical staff

William L. Stevensscenografo
William L. Stevensarredatore
Dimitri TiomkinDimitri Tiomkinmusiche
Russell HarlanRussell Harlandirettore della fotografia
Darrell SilveraDarrell Silverascenografo
Darrell SilveraDarrell Silveraarredatore
Roland Grossmontatore
ManLee Greenwaytruccatore
Michael Woulfecostumista
Larry GermainLarry Germainparrucchiere
John J. Hughesscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1951)