Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada (2005)

Original title: the three burials of melquiades estrada
Production: France, Mexico, USA|121 min
Western, Dramatic, Adventure
Poster of movie The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada
the body of the honest cowboy melquiades estrada, a mexican emigrant, is found in the desert where he was barely buried after the murder. totally uninterested in solving the case, the local authorities transfer the body to a mass grave in the cemetery. but pete perkins, a ranchero friend of melquiades, decides to find the culprit and, once found in an arrogant border guard, kidnaps him and forces him to travel with him and with the corpse to fulfill the wish of the dead, who wanted to be buried in his hometown.

Festivals and awards

Historical episodes of setting


Tommy Lee JonesTommy Lee Jonesregista

Production and Screenplay

Tommy Lee JonesTommy Lee Jonesproduttore
Luc BessonLuc Bessonproduttore
Pierre Ange Lepogamproduttore
Guillermo ArriagaGuillermo Arriagasceneggiatore
Guillermo ArriagaGuillermo Arriagascrittore
Eric A. Williamsproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

pete perkins
Mike Norton
Barry PepperBarry Pepper(età:35)
Dwight YoakamDwight Yoakam(età:49)
lou ann norton
January JonesJanuary Jones(età:27)
Melissa LeoMelissa Leo(età:45)
anziano con la radio
Levon Helm(età:65)
capitano Gomez
Mel RodriguezMel Rodriguez(età:32)
Barry Tubb(età:42)
Gabriel OldsGabriel Olds(età:33)
Maya Zapata(età:24)
Elena Hurst(età:22)
Sean Hennigan(età:43)
Spike Spencer(età:37)
Brent Smiga(età:35)

Technical staff

Marco BeltramiMarco Beltramimusiche
Roberto Silvimontatore
Chris MengesChris Mengesdirettore della fotografia
John Blaketruccatore
Jeanne Mccarthycasting
Jeff Knippscenografo
Kathleen Kiattacostumista
Rob Hindersteintruccatore
Merideth Boswellscenografo
Kathy Kiattacostumista
Hector Ortegadirettore della fotografia
Jeri Bakerparrucchiere
Joel Harlowtruccatore
Richard SnellRichard Snelltruccatore
Robert Ramostruccatore
Justin Staffordparrucchiere
Clayton Martineztruccatore
Brian Raetruccatore
Chris Garnaastruccatore
Phil Shireyarredatore
Chris Grossnickletruccatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2005)