Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Three Gables (1994)

Original title: the three gables
Production: UK|51 min| tv series
Dramatic, Mystery, Crime
a dead young man's affair with a beautiful widow brings odd, dangerous events to his grandmother's house.

Origin of the subject


Peter Hammondregista

Production and Screenplay

Jeremy Paulsceneggiatore
Sally Headproduttore esecutivo
June Wyndham-daviesproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Gary Cady(età:35)
Jeremy BrettJeremy Brett(età:61)
Barbara Young(età:58)
John Gill(età:82)

Technical staff

Michael Youngscenografo
Ivana Primoractruccatore
Patrick Gowersmusiche
Sue Boothscenografo
Doug Hallowsdirettore della fotografia
Sue Miltontruccatore
Esther Deancostumista