Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the three lives of thomasina (1964)

Original title: the three lives of thomasina
Production: UK, USA|97 min|
Comedy, Romantic
a widowed veterinarian has become grumpy and irritable. when the little girl's kitten falls ill, the man advises the child to suppress her. the child, upset, goes into the woods where a girl who is considered by all a witch and asks her to take care of the animal lives. on the way back she is caught in a thunderstorm, gets wet and suffers from pneumonia. faced with the seriousness of the disease, the doctor will return to being more human.


Don ChaffeyDon Chaffeyregista

Production and Screenplay

Don ChaffeyDon Chaffeysceneggiatore
Walt DisneyWalt Disneyproduttore
Robert Westerbysceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

mary mcdhui
geordie mcnab
andrew mcdhui
lori mcgregor
rev. angus peddie
signora McKenzie
Jean AndersonJean Anderson(età:57)
hughie stirling
jamie mcnab
Denis Gilmore(età:15)
signor dobbie
signora lappham
Finlay CurrieFinlay Currie(età:86)

Technical staff

Paul Beesondirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1964)

Germana DominiciGermana Dominici Voice of tommasina

Version Originale(1964)

Elspeth March Voice of tommasina