Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the twilight saga: breaking dawn - part 1 (2011)

Original title: the twilight saga: breaking dawn - part 1
Production: USA|117 min
Action, Horror, Dramatic
Poster of movie the twilight saga: breaking dawn - part 1
This movie is episode 4 of the series twilight composed by:

Festivals and awards

Razzie 2012 - nomination Worst Actor
Assigned to: Taylor Lautner

Origin of the subject


Bill CondonBill Condonregista

Production and Screenplay

Melissa RosenbergMelissa Rosenbergsceneggiatore

Interpreters and Characters

Robert PattinsonRobert Pattinson(età:25)
(edward cullen)
Ashley GreeneAshley Greene(età:24)
(alice cullen)
Jackson RathboneJackson Rathbone(età:27)
(jasper hale)
Kellan LutzKellan Lutz(età:26)
(emmett cullen)
Peter FacinelliPeter Facinelli(età:38)
(carlisle cullen)
Elizabeth ReaserElizabeth Reaser(età:36)
(esme cullen)
Daniel CudmoreDaniel Cudmore(età:30)
Billy BurkeBilly Burke(età:45)
(charlie swan)
Sarah ClarkeSarah Clarke(età:39)
(renée dwyer)
Maggie GraceMaggie Grace(età:28)
Lee PaceLee Pace(età:32)
Rami MalekRami Malek(età:30)
Noel FisherNoel Fisher(età:27)
Judith ShekoniJudith Shekoni(età:29)
Michael SheenMichael Sheen(età:42)
isabella swan
rosalie hale
jacob black
bella swan-cullen
billy black
leah clearwater
Nikki ReedNikki Reed(età:23)
Mia MaestroMia Maestro(età:33)
Tinsel KoreyTinsel Korey(età:31)
Edi GathegiEdi Gathegi(età:32)
Mackenzie FoyMackenzie Foy(età:11)
Anna KendrickAnna Kendrick(età:26)
Alex MerazAlex Meraz(età:26)
Justin ChonJustin Chon(età:30)
Kiowa GordonKiowa Gordon(età:21)
Michael WelchMichael Welch(età:24)
Myanna BuringMyanna Buring(età:32)

Technical staff

Carter BurwellCarter Burwellmusiche
Guillermo Navarrodirettore della fotografia
Richard Shermanscenografo
Phil Tippetteffetti speciali
Virginia KatzVirginia Katzmontatore
Karola Dirnbergertruccatore
Jean Ann blacktruccatore
Erica Deweytruccatore
Phillip Boutte jr.costumista
Stacy Caballerocostumista
Susan O'haracostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2011)

Antonio SannaAntonio Sanna Voice of billy black
Benedetta PonticelliBenedetta Ponticelli Voice of Carmen
Domitilla D'AmicoDomitilla D'Amico Voice of leah clearwater
Federica De BortoliFederica De Bortoli Voice of bella swan-cullen
Chiara GioncardiChiara Gioncardi Voice of Tanya

Music tracks of the soundtrack