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The Unbelievable Truth (1989)

Original title: the unbelievable truth
Production: USA|90 min
Thriller, Dramatic, Comedy
Poster of movie The Unbelievable Truth
a man returns to his home town after serving a prison sentence for homicide, and finds that the details of the crime have been forgotten and replaced with local legends and rumors.


Hal HartleyHal Hartleyregista

Production and Screenplay

Hal HartleyHal Hartleyproduttore
Hal HartleyHal Hartleysceneggiatore
Hal HartleyHal Hartleyscrittore
Jerome Brownsteinproduttore esecutivo
Bruce Weissproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Matt MalloyMatt Malloy(età:26)
Bill SageBill Sage(età:27)
Edie FalcoEdie Falco(età:26)
Mark BaileyMark Bailey(età:55)
Julia Mcneal(età:28)
David Healy(età:57)
Paul SchulzePaul Schulze(età:27)
Chris Cooke(età:39)

Technical staff

Hal HartleyHal Hartleymontatore
Judy Chinparrucchiere
Michael SpillerMichael Spillerdirettore della fotografia
Sarah Stollmanarredatore