Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Wackness (2008)

Original title: the wackness
Production: UK, USA|99 min
Dramatic, Comedy, Psychological
Poster of movie The Wackness
it's the summer of 1994, and the streets of new york are pulsing with hip-hop. set against this backdrop, a lonely teenager named luke shapiro spends his last summer before university selling marijuana throughout new york city, trading it with his unorthodox psychotherapist for treatment, while having a crush on his stepdaughter.

Festivals and awards


Jonathan LevineJonathan Levineregista

Production and Screenplay

Jonathan LevineJonathan Levinesceneggiatore
Jonathan LevineJonathan Levinescrittore
Jared Goldmanproduttore
Keith Calderproduttore
Felipe Marinoproduttore
Joe Neurauterproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

luke shapiro
Josh PeckJosh Peck(età:22)
dr. jeffrey squires
Ben KingsleyBen Kingsley(età:65)
kristin squires
Famke JanssenFamke Janssen(età:43)
Jane AdamsJane Adams(età:43)
Method ManMethod Man(età:37)
Yoo AaronYoo Aaron(età:29)
mrs. shapiro
Talia BalsamTalia Balsam(età:49)
grandma shapiro
Joanna MerlinJoanna Merlin(età:77)
Bob DishyBob Dishy(età:74)
David Wohl(età:55)
Kevin Cannon(età:54)
Bill Walters(età:71)
Joseph Basile(età:32)
Peter Conboy(età:46)
John Farrer(età:76)
Dawn Noel(età:32)

Technical staff

Michael Clancycostumista
David Tornmusiche
Joanna Colbertcasting
Linda Grimestruccatore
Beth Kuhnscenografo
Petra Kornerdirettore della fotografia
Eve Morrowtruccatore
Annie Spitzscenografo
Josh Noyesmontatore
Stacey ButterworthStacey Butterworthtruccatore
Jay Ferraraparrucchiere
Patricia Grandeparrucchiere
Daisy Curbeonparrucchiere
Rich Mentocasting
Andrea Grande-caponeparrucchiere
Souraya Hamditruccatore
Cherish m. Halearredatore

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2008)