Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the way of all flesh (1927)

Original title: the way of all flesh
94 min| black and white| mute
Poster of movie the way of all flesh
alberto, a young man with a poor past, returns home to his mother after a long period of absence and, laboriously, finds work as a gas station attendant. but the girl he is in love with does not tolerate a mediocre life and pushes him to renew his relationship with a swindler: filippo. he, already a lover of the girl, wounds her during a dispute and blames alberto. the latter's mother, to save her son from a new sentence, will prove his innocence by being killed by filippo.

Festivals and awards


Victor FlemingVictor Flemingregista
Henry HathawayHenry Hathawayassistente alla regia

Production and Screenplay

Jules Furthmansceneggiatore
Jesse L.laskyproduttore
Adolph ZukorAdolph Zukorproduttore
Julian Johnsonsceneggiatore
Frederica Sagor maassceneggiatore
Lajos BiroLajos Birosceneggiatore
Ernest Maasscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

august schilling
signora schilling
la tentatrice
august junior
august da bambino
Emil JanningsEmil Jannings(età:43)
Fred KohlerFred Kohler(età:40)
Sam FlintSam Flint(età:45)
Phyllis HaverPhyllis Haver(età:28)
Belle BennettBelle Bennett(età:36)
Donald Keith(età:24)
Nancy Drexel(età:17)
Anne Sheridan(età:19)
Dean Harrell(età:19)

Technical staff

Victor MilnerVictor Milnerdirettore della fotografia