Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the wedding night (1935)

Original title: the wedding night
Production: USA|84 min| black and white|
Dramatic, Comedy, Romantic

Festivals and awards


King VidorKing Vidorregista

Production and Screenplay

Edith Fitzgeraldsceneggiatore
Samuel Goldwynproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Gary CooperGary Cooper(età:34)
Anna StenAnna Sten(età:27)
ralph bellamy
Ralph BellamyRalph Bellamy(età:31)
helen vinson
Helen VinsonHelen Vinson(età:28)
siegfried rumann
Sig RumannSig Rumann(età:51)
esther dale
Esther DaleEsther Dale(età:50)
leonid snegoff
eleanor wesselhoeft
milla davenport
agnes anderson
hilda vaughn
Hilda Vaughn(età:38)
walter brennan
robert bolder
Robert BolderRobert Bolder(età:76)
dennis o'keefe

Technical staff

Stuart HeislerStuart Heislermontatore
Alfred NewmanAlfred Newmanmusiche
Gregg Tolanddirettore della fotografia
ManRichard Dayscenografo
Omar Kiamcostumista

Voices and Dubbing