Database of cinema, music, history and literature

the wild (2006)

Original title: the wild
Production: Canada, USA
Action, Animation, Comedy
Poster of movie the wild
an adolescent lion is accidentally shipped from the new york zoo to africa. now running free, his zoo pals must put aside their differences to help bring him back.


Production and Screenplay

Beau Flynnproduttore
Clint Goldmanproduttore
Stefan Simchowitzproduttore esecutivo
Ed Decterproduttore
Ed Dectersceneggiatore
Will Vintonproduttore esecutivo
Kevin Limaproduttore esecutivo
David Collardscrittore
Mark Gibsonsceneggiatore
Mark Gibsonscrittore
Philip Halprinsceneggiatore
Philip Halprinscrittore
Matt Lopezscrittore
John J. Straussproduttore
John J. Strausssceneggiatore
Bill Wolkoffscrittore
Jim Burtonproduttore
Lloyd Taylorscrittore
Ed Driscollscrittore

Characters and Interpreters

fergus il fenicottero
penguin mc
pinguino commentatore
procavia delle rocce
mamma ippopotamo
papà di samson
mama hippo
samson cucciolo
baby hippo
scarabeo tirolese #1
scarabeo tirolese #2
baby hippo / walla
David Cowgill(età:46)

Technical staff

Alan SilvestriAlan Silvestrimusiche
Scott Balcerekmontatore
Steven L.wagnermontatore
Corbin Bronsoncasting
Jen Rudincasting
Chris Farmerscenografo
Steven L. wagnermontatore
Michael e. Goldmanscenografo

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2006)

Mauro MagliozziMauro Magliozzi Voice of fergus il fenicottero
Mino CaprioMino Caprio Voice of Larry
Roberto StocchiRoberto Stocchi Voice of camo
Massimo RossiMassimo Rossi Voice of Benny
Eugenio MarinelliEugenio Marinelli Voice of papà di samson
Simone MoriSimone Mori Voice of scab
Oreste BaldiniOreste Baldini Voice of hamir
Luigi MorvilleLuigi Morville Voice of Duke
Alessio PuccioAlessio Puccio Voice of Ryan
Ilaria GiorginoIlaria Giorgino Voice of scarabeo tirolese #1
Teo BelliaTeo Bellia Voice of Nigel
Fabio Valenzi Voice of samson cucciolo
Oliviero DinelliOliviero Dinelli Voice of scraw
Ambrogio ColomboAmbrogio Colombo Voice of pinguino commentatore
Davide PerinoDavide Perino Voice of eze
Glauco OnoratoGlauco Onorato Voice of Kazar
Gilberta CrispinoGilberta Crispino Voice of scarabeo tirolese #2
Luciana LittizzettoLuciana Littizzetto Voice of Bridget
Paolo BuglioniPaolo Buglioni Voice of cappa
Ricky TognazziRicky Tognazzi Voice of Samson
Cristina PirasCristina Piras Voice of mamma ippopotamo
Luigi FerraroLuigi Ferraro Voice of procavia delle rocce
Stefano De SandoStefano De Sando Voice of Stan

Version Originale(2006)

Kiefer SutherlandKiefer Sutherland Voice of Samson
Jonathan Kimmel Voice of scab
Christian Argueta Voice of hamir
Jack De senaJack De sena Voice of eze
Patrick WarburtonPatrick Warburton Voice of blag
Alexandra Gold jourden Voice of baby hippo
Richard KindRichard Kind Voice of Larry
Dominic Scott kayDominic Scott kay Voice of samson cucciolo
James BelushiJames Belushi Voice of Benny
Eddie Gossling Voice of scraw
Don Cherry (attore) Voice of pinguino commentatore
Lenny VenitoLenny Venito Voice of Stan
Colin Hay Voice of fergus il fenicottero
Nika FuttermanNika Futterman Voice of scarabeo tirolese #1
Greg CipesGreg Cipes Voice of Ryan
Chris EdgerlyChris Edgerly Voice of cappa
Eddie IzzardEddie Izzard Voice of Nigel
Miss Coco peru Voice of mamma ippopotamo
ManColin Cunningham Voice of procavia delle rocce
Joseph SiravoJoseph Siravo Voice of Carmine
Miles Marsico Voice of Duke
Julianne BuescherJulianne Buescher Voice of scarabeo tirolese #2
William ShatnerWilliam Shatner Voice of Kazar
Bob JolesBob Joles Voice of camo
Janeane GarofaloJaneane Garofalo Voice of Bridget
Kevin Michael RichardsonKevin Michael Richardson Voice of papà di samson