Database of cinema, music, history and literature

The Young Don't Cry (1957)

Original title: the young don't cry
Production: UK, USA|89 min|
Thriller, Dramatic, Adventure
Poster of movie The Young Don't Cry


Production and Screenplay

Richard Jessupsceneggiatore
Philip A. waxmanproduttore

Characters and Interpreters

Ruth Attaway(età:47)
Sal MineoSal Mineo(età:18)
Paul CarrPaul Carr(età:23)
Leigh Whipper(età:81)
Gene LyonsGene Lyons(età:37)

Technical staff

George AntheilGeorge Antheilmusiche
Ernest HallerErnest Hallerdirettore della fotografia
Hal Gausmanarredatore
Maurice Wrightmontatore
Don L. cashtruccatore