Database of cinema, music, history and literature

theatre of blood (1973)

Original title: theatre of blood
Production: UK|105 min|
Horror, Crazy, Crime


Douglas HickoxDouglas Hickoxregista

Production and Screenplay

Anthony Greville-bellsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

edward lionheart
Vincent PriceVincent Price(età:62)
edwina lionheart
Diana RiggDiana Rigg(età:35)
peregrine devlin
Ian HendryIan Hendry(età:42)
trevor dickman
Harry AndrewsHarry Andrews(età:62)
miss chloe moon
Coral Browne(età:60)
oliver larding
Robert CooteRobert Coote(età:64)
solomon psaltery
ManJack Hawkins(età:63)
george maxwell
horace sprout
Arthur LoweArthur Lowe(età:59)
meredith merridew
Robert MorleyRobert Morley(età:65)
hector snipe
Dennis PriceDennis Price(età:58)
inspector boot
Milo O'sheaMilo O'shea(età:47)
sergeant dogge
Eric Sykes(età:50)
maisie psaltry
Diana DorsDiana Dors(età:42)
mrs. sprout
Joan HicksonJoan Hickson(età:67)
mrs. maxwell
ispettore boot
sergente dogge
meredithg merridew

Technical staff

Malcolm Cookemontatore
Michael Seymourscenografo
Wolfgang SuschitzkyWolfgang Suschitzkydirettore della fotografia

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1973)

Sandro TuminelliSandro Tuminelli Voice of meredithg merridew
Aldo BarberitoAldo Barberito Voice of sergente dogge
Alfredo Censi Voice of vicario
Giorgio GussoGiorgio Gusso Voice of ispettore boot