Database of cinema, music, history and literature

they shoot horses, don't they? (1969)

Original title: they shoot horses, don't they?
Production: USA|129 min
Dramatic, Musical
Poster of movie they shoot horses, don't they?
the lives of a disparate group of contestants intertwine in an inhumanely grueling dance marathon.

Festivals and awards

Origin of the subject


Sydney PollackSydney Pollackregista

Production and Screenplay

Irwin Winklerproduttore
Johnny Greenproduttore
Horace MccoyHorace Mccoysceneggiatore
James Poesceneggiatore
Robert Chartoffproduttore
Robert E. Thompsonsceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

gloria beatty
Jane FondaJane Fonda(età:32)
robert sylverton
alice leblanc
Susannah YorkSusannah York(età:28)
Gig YoungGig Young(età:56)
ruby biggs
james biggs
Bruce DernBruce Dern(età:33)
Al Lewis(età:46)
Severn DardenSevern Darden(età:40)
joel gerard
Robert Fields(età:35)
shirley clayton
harry kline
Red ButtonsRed Buttons(età:51)
Mary GregoryMary Gregory(età:42)
Cynthia MyersCynthia Myers(età:19)
Art MetranoArt Metrano(età:33)
Jack ColvinJack Colvin(età:35)
Paul ManteePaul Mantee(età:38)
Madge KennedyMadge Kennedy(età:78)
Tim Herbert(età:55)
Flower ParryFlower Parry(età:47)
Mabel Smaney(età:67)
Robert Dunlap(età:27)
Gail Billings(età:27)
Maxine Greene(età:24)

Technical staff

Ina Claireparrucchiere
Henry KingHenry Kingmusiche
Johnny Greenmusiche
ManFredric Steinkampmontatore
Harry Hornerscenografo
Don Feldcostumista
Albert Woodburymusiche
Sydney GuilaroffSydney Guilarofftruccatore
Sydney GuilaroffSydney Guilaroffparrucchiere
Lynn StalmasterLynn Stalmastercasting
Sherry Wilsonparrucchiere
Lenore Weaverparrucchiere
Philip H. Lathropdirettore della fotografia
Robert JacksRobert Jackscasting
Michael J. hartecostumista
Frank R. Mckelvyscenografo
Frank R. Mckelvyarredatore
Mina Mittelmancostumista
Frank Mccoytruccatore
Frank Mckelvyscenografo
Lynn Willismusiche
Carla Hadleyparrucchiere
WomanShirley Gilbertparrucchiere
James Martellcasting

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(1969)