Database of cinema, music, history and literature

this is england (2006)

Original title: this is england
Production: UK, USA|100 min
Poster of movie this is england

Festivals and awards


Shane MeadowsShane Meadowsregista

Production and Screenplay

Shane MeadowsShane Meadowssceneggiatore

Characters and Interpreters

shaun field
andrew "combo" gascoigne
cynthia field, madre di shaun
Jo HartleyJo Hartley(età:34)
Andrew ShimAndrew Shim(età:23)
lorraine "lol" jenkins
Vicky McclureVicky Mcclure(età:23)
richard "woody" woodford
Joseph GilgunJoseph Gilgun(età:22)
Andrew EllisAndrew Ellis(età:16)
ronald "meggy" megford
Perry BensonPerry Benson(età:45)
George Newton(età:49)
Frank HarperFrank Harper(età:44)
pukey nicholls
mr. sandhu
kelly jenkins, sorella di lol
Michael SochaMichael Socha(età:19)

Technical staff

Mark Leesescenografo
Danny Cohendirettore della fotografia
Jo Thompsoncostumista

Voices and Dubbing

Version Italia(2006)